onward, upward and over the hill

Back in February I was physically (and mentally) snow bound. We were at my parent’s house on the Wallace River and got caught in a snow storm – the roads were closed for two days! There was a limit to how much snowshoeing and complaining I could handle so I decided to write a list of what I should/could/want to do after my great escape.

And that’s how the thirty six before thirty six list came to be. Thirty six things to do before my thirty-sixth birthday. Now it is time to recap:

  1. Paint a room
    It’s sad when the first item on a list does not get crossed off. Argh. I still want to paint our bathroom Kelly Green but it didn’t happen. No excuse… I just hate painting.
  2. Wallpaper a room
    And it’s really bad when the second item does not get crossed off either. Again, I still want to wallpaper the other bathroom, and I have a plan, it just didn’t happen
    … hang in, it gets better
  3. Go to the art gallery (for real)
    I was down to the wire on this one. Last week I had to run downtown to pick something up at the printer and had an hour to kill before school ended. I could of gone home and worked but I went to the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia instead. I love the Maud Lewis room.
  4. Get a pedicure
    Amanda and I went to Princess Nails on a cold, wet, dreary night. It was not as blissful as a spa but I love the neon pink toes. IMG_2343
  5. Relax on the beach with a magazine
    This would of been less enjoyable had I done it this spring on a beach in Nova Scotia however, I was lucky to vacation at Anna Maria Island in April.
  6. Run in a race
    Bluenose and the Cabot Trail RelayIMG_2507
  7. Go snowshoeing
    I crossed this off the list on day one (did I mention we were snowbound?) but I went out again for our Storm the Mountain eco-challenge. IMG_2249
  8. Go on an airplane
    We made Anne Murray proud and snowbirded the hell out of here to Florida
  9. Ski moguls
    I’m no Jean-Luc Brassard but I made it down the mountain in one piece. IMG_2168
  10. Sell five items on Kijiji
    1. A sweater 2. Push bike 3. A DVD 4. Tent 5. Washer & Dryer flood victims 
  11. Finish 4 books
    1. I’ll Give You The Sun 2. When Everything Feels Like the Movies 3. We Were Liars 4. The Sky is Everywhere
  12. Brunch at Edna Restaurant
    So good. Sooooo good! When Jane’s closed I never thought I’d find another good vegetarian Eggs Benedict but then I went to Edna’s.
  13. Visit the ocean
    I saw the ocean in Nova Scotia but my hands were too numb to snap a pic. Florida was a lot warmer. DSC_0746
  14. Learn how to rug hook
    I did and now I’m hooked (wink). I can’t wait to show you my finished project. IMG_2084
  15. Swim
    I even boogie boarded DSC_0895 copy
  16. Walk in point pleasant park
    Several times – I walked around with David and Henry, ran it, raced in it, cursed the hills, and even assisted a photoshoot in the park.
  17. Hike Cape Breton Highlands National Park
    I ran it, which I think is cooler. However, I did hike up the damn steep hill at the end of my leg. IMG_2601
  18. Choose a signature drink
    I’m so fancy… Basically I fill a glass with gin, some tonic, a splash of grapefruit juice and a lemon (if I have one). Best consumed from a beach-friendly sippy cup with straw. IMG_2352
  19. Make homemade rolls
    I think Karen is holding back on sharing her actual roll recipe because mine were nowhere near as good as her’s but I really enjoyed making them. IMG_2499
  20. Go to Field Guide for a drink
    X 2! If you haven’t gone, go. I love Field Guide and I especially enjoyed reuniting with an old friends over drinks. IMG_2233
  21. Make a chocolate cheesecake
    My aunt Joanne made the most amazing chocolate cheesecake and I always felt like she was making it especially for me because I loved it so much. I thought I had her recipe but I can’t find it. I still made a chocolate cheesecake but it tasted horrible and it made me miss her even more. IMG_2524
  22. Build a sand castle
    Another victory thanks to our trip to Florida.
  23. Host an outdoor FNPN 
    Sarah helped me with this one. We had a Friday Night Pizza Night at the Park Avenue Community Oven. Everything was delicous, especially the s’more pizza. Jealous? DSC_0912
  24. Take a kickboxing class
    I did this over the weekend. To say I was good and/or graceful would be a total lie but I did it.
  25. Take a carload to Value Village
    Yes and there’s more to go!
  26. Go for a bike ride
    We’ve done a bit of local biking but one of my favourite days in Florida was our bike adventure. We had so much fun exploring the island… Didn’t we Jodie? IMG_2369
  27. Explore a new park / beach or trail in Nova Scotia
    On Mother’s Day we went to Crowbar Lake Hiking Trail and it was awesome. You’d be surprised how far kids can walk when you dangle a granola bar in front of them. IMG_2470
  28. Visit a new store in Halifax… like this one
    I’ve now been to the Independent Mercantile twice and it’s a great store.
  29. Barbecue 
    Barbecue season is the best.
  30. Buy stain to paint the patio
    This is a big debate in our house. I am going to write more about it another time. Lets just say I haven’t convinced a certain someone that it’s worth it.
  31. Go for a run with a friend 
    Running a half-marathon with a friend is so much more enjoyable than running alone. Thanks Jenna. IMG_5103
  32. Ride the yellow slide at the Canada Games Centre
    And the blue one too! Another thing I accomplished this week.
  33. Skate at the Oval at least once more
    I don’t think this fail is my fault. Because of the extreme weather conditions we faced this winter, the Oval closed early and without much warning. I only made it there once and didn’t get back after I wrote this list. I did however ski a boardercross course and nearly killed myself. My friend suggested that it made up for the lack of skating.
  34. Print and frame a photo
    I wrote about this hereDSC_0678
  35. Open the windows and put out the patio furniture
    Yes! However we’ve also turned the heat back on in June. Oh my…
  36. Go dancing
    Technically I didn’t actually get gussied up and go dancing but I have danced. Mostly alone or with David but I am still counting this as complete. 

I am pretty happy with the results = 32/36 = 89%. Most of them were really fun and it was an excuse to spend time with great people. My theory… Make a list and they will come.

I am thirty six. What the hell? No time for a pity party… I have a summer list to tackle. Bring it.

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