sunday runday

It’s been a rough post-Chicago running month. I was hurting and barely running so I started physiotherapy. Despite the set-back, I was still on a race-high and I signed up for the January Hypothermic Half (this sounds horrible and I’m sure it will be) and am determined to keep training but be mindful of my body. Last weekend I ran a lovely 10 km on a quiet country dirt road along the Wallace River and it felt like things were finally improving.

I was excited to try a 14 km this weekend (today).

Mike and I each get a sleep-in day on the weekend. Mike uses his to sleep-in and I use mine to run. The other one walks Henry and entertains David. They were planning to go to the park while I went for my run however, David – who has probably only vomited four times in his life – came down with something last night which kept us up (we are not used to this). I stumbled out of bed at 7:30 knowing the plan had to change. I took Henry for a walk, grabbed a coffee at Starbucks and roamed around the neighbourhood.

For me, when it comes to running, if I don’t get up and go out the door right away, it is over. The day is a write-off. I don’t run after coffee or breakfast or lunch or anytime in the day unless it is first thing.

So when Henry and I got home the plan was to get back to nurse duty… but then it occurred to me that I could/should change my ways (maybe my body would hate me less during races if I practice new running times). Mike and David were still in bed so I was good to go.

I inherited a treadmill this summer when my in-laws moved to an apartment complex with a gym. After the dreadful winter we had last year, I happily took the treadmill knowing it could come in handy. I never run on treadmills. I hate them. The things has been in our basement collecting dust but today I decided to jump on and give’r a go. A pre-season test.


Guys, it was okay. Yes, a little boring but I listed to a few great podcasts and managed to finish my 14 km.

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My pace was off at the beginning because my watch doesn’t work inside so I had to use my phone. I forgot I had to hold it – it was clocking nothing while nestled in the cup holder (I’m dumb). I also had to stop after 5 km and turn on a fan and grab a towel and water but I managed to maintain a 5:20/km pace.

Now that I am a pro, I feel like I could do this more often – you know, when life gets in the way.

If your curious to what I listened to on my walk and run today, click here, here, here and here

What about you? When do you run? Any tips for loving the treadmill? (I love that I can wear shorts!) Want to run with me in the Hypothermic Half?

psst. Thanks F.I.L.!

psst. One of my fall to-do items is write more posts – I’ve been managing the desired 2-3/week but I’m trying to up the quota. Let me know if you have a topic… like shed-inspiration or how to make tacos for 34 people.

psst. If you like what you’re reading, please subscribe and share. xomeg

6 thoughts on “sunday runday

  1. I’d love yo hear more about Podcasts you listen to! My favourites are “Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend”, “Freakonomics”. “Reasonable Double” and, of course, “This American Life”.

    Also, you might have written about this in the past, but I’d be interested to know how you control your breath when running – I tend to breath with my steps (2 steps in, 2 steps out) but I’m struggling to get below 6/km.


    • Thanks for your comment! I always run with a tiny shuffle and a watch outside so it’s music or an audio book however, if I am walking or running inside, my fav podcasts are This American Life, Death Sex & Money, Women Of The Hour, Criminal, Radio Lab … and Serial when it returns! As for breathing… I don’t think about it. I like earphones so I do not have to hear myself. Running with a friend and talking the whole time is a great practice too. I am no expert!


  2. Kaleb puked Friday night too!! Yuck! He was all better by noon on Saturday so it was quick!

    Your posts make me want to run again, I loved it when I did it a lot…gotta make time for it!


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