oh snap

Weddings can be crazy stupid expensive, which makes planning for your big day stressful. In my opinion (and I’m a visual girl) I’d put my money into hiring professionals for some key things and when I say “professional”, I mean trained professionals. I hate to sound all cynical but it seems as though everyone with a camera thinks they’re a photographer and everyone with a MAC thinks they’re a designer so to be clear, I am not talking about them.

Now that I’ve vented… the first thing I’d splurge on is: Prep_MG_4977Photography: Weddings are one day and your memories last (give or take) ten years. The day is a whirlwind and as much as the day is supposed to be about you, it’s not. You have things to do, places to be, people to talk to and most of the time you’re being pushed and pulled in every direction. Hiring a trained photographer allows you to trust that they’ll know what shots to get and will capture moments you didn’t even know happened but are so grateful you have in print and digital format.

ReceivingBW_MG_5217Once the day is over, you will not regret spending money on a good photographer.

As for the shots you want, be sure to talk to your photographer before your wedding day. Give them a list of names (wedding party, family names, etc.) and if there are must-have shots, let them know! It also helps to assign a contact from your wedding party as the photographer’s go-to person. If the photographer needs to set up a shot they can ask your contact for help wrangling up people rather than interrupting you. If detail shots are important – make sure the photographer knows. If there are guests that are extra special – make sure your photographer knows. 

I’ve been lucky to spend time with some great photographers (her and her) and watching them work has made me appreciate the value of their job.

Next Wedding Wednesday: Flowers!

Photos by Shannon George

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3 thoughts on “oh snap

  1. Pingback: flower filled wedding wednesday | hello sunshine

  2. If you ever feel like talking to Shimon about music….he’s done hundreds of weddings and has a lot of tips about how to make a memorable part of the day too!


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